Our contribution
DaWID aims to research and establish a data and service-driven ecosystem for interactive assistance systems. Factors of special importance within this ecosystem are the data economy and data sovereignty. For one thing, users are to be given sovereignty over their data with relevant controlling functions. Data flows need to be transparent and the use of data must be traceable. For another, novel cooperation and business models are to be enabled from the data economy perspective in order to pursue the objective of the digital value creation process – data refinement. People will also gain a feel for the value of their data through the assignment of a monetary amount to the release of data.
DaWID is a meta-platform that serves as a broker between service providers. Due to the inclusion of International Data Spaces, the focus is on industry, leading to the emergence of new business models. Results include the definition of user requirements and offers, the convergence of individual services into holistic service systems, semiautomatic data pricing, data processing chains for contractual relationships and user consent, and ethical/legal analyses regarding data owners.
- Fraunhofer ISST
- Fraunhofer IMW
- Deutsche Telekom AG
- Institute for Digital Transformation in Healthcare GmbH (IdigiT)
- Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Associated partners
- MedEcon Ruhr GmbH
- International Data Spaces Association
- Bochum University of Applied Sciences
- Subsidized by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
- Project number: 16SV8381
- Term: 02/2020-01/2023