Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Engineering
Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Engineering
Podcast "The Data Space Experts"
Videos »Data Researchers«
Fraunhofer ISST
Fraunhofer ISST
Institute management
Advisory board
University Cooperations
Industrial Manufacturing
Data Space Participation
IT Service Providers
Mobility & Smart Cities
Data spaces and data ecosystems
Strategic data management
Cloud Transformation
Software Engineering
Data Science
Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS)
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Fraunhofer ISST
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Institute management
Advisory board
University Cooperations
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Services for service providers
Services for health IT solution providers
Pharmaceutical and medtech companies
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BodyTune – Automated audio analysis of carotid artery blood flow sounds
Digital hospital NRW
DaWID: Data-centered value creation platform for interactive, assisting service systems
Digital Life Journey: A self-determined life for citizens in an increasingly digitized world
eDEM-Connect: Development of a communication and service platform for people caring for family members with dementia
SMITH: Smart Medical Information Technology for Healthcare
MOND - Mobile, smart neurosensor system for the detection and documentation of epileptic seizures in everyday life
ViCon: Virtual Consent Assistant for Informed and Data Sovereign Patient Consent
MINDED.RUHR: My INdividual Digital EDucation
DaRe: Health DAta trust REallaboratory to develop and test ecosystem integration of data-driven health research
HEALTH-X dataLOFT - Legitimate, open and federated health data space in GAIA-X.
PFLIP: Intersectoral Nursing Core Data Set and Nursing Data Repository
A.D.Le.R. - Automated detection, reporting and guidance system for rescue forces
ICON – The predictive hospital
TRANSIT – Medical Informatics Structure »Data Management Unit«
DISTANCE: Digital Smart Hub for Advanced Connected Care
IDERHA: Integration of Heterogeneous Data and Evidence towards Regulatory and HTA Acceptance
Comprehensive IT strategy for UK-RUB: Healtcare Content Management Software (HCMS) for Bochum University Hospital.
DuITeasy: Lifelong assistance platform based on an open federated data and services ecosystem and smart metering systems
DAVINA: Data-driven individualization of the anesthesia procedure in geriatric traumatology
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pomodoX: Intelligent documentation for companies
ivy.connect: A software package for straightforward networking
EFA: The electronic case file
Eclipse Dataspace Components (EDC) in the healthcare sector
Industrial Manufacturing
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Strategic data management
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AI4EU: Bundling artificial intelligence expertise and making it accessible for both large and small companies
AMable: Closing knowledge gaps and providing companies with access to 3D printing
CCIT: Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Cognitive Internet Technologies
DB Schenker: Enterprise Lab for Logistics and Digitization
Fraunhofer Data Space: Research data transparency – comprehensive, functional, and secure
High Performance Center Logistics and IT: Innovation ecosystem at the Dortmund scientific site
Service-Meister: AI-based service ecosystem for technical service in industry 4.0
Linking Haier's customer platform COSMOPlat to the GAIA-X architecture
HeRaKlion: Heuristic Resilience Analyses for Municipalities Using Data Space Functionalities
Catena-X Automotive Network - Alliance for secure and standardized data exchange
DIONA - Digital ecosystem for a sustainable circular economy in the automotive industry
proDTM: Process model for neutral data trust models
Factory-X: A sovereign data space for mechanical and plant engineering
Aerospace-X: Ecosystem for an efficient and sustainable Aerospace Supply Chain
PURIS: Making modern supply chains more efficient and resilient according to Catena-X standards
DIVMALDA: Digitization and verification of live emissions data from ships for transparent and credible reporting and monitoring processes and CO2-optimized ship operation
SKALA: Scalable AI and blockchain solutions for automation and autonomization in value networks
DATAMITE (DATA Monetization, Interoperability, Trading & Exchange)
Bosch: Economic concepts and technologies for sharing industrial data in data ecosystems
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OpenFactoryTwin (OFacT)
Traceability Enforcement of Datatransfers (TREND)
Data Space Participation
IT Service Providers
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"NTT": Dataspace Connector Proof-of-Concept (PoC) / Connecting NTT with the International Data Spaces
FAIR Data Spaces – Building a joint cloud-based data space for industry and science
IEDS – Incentives and Economics of Data Sharing
CCIT: Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Cognitive Internet Technologies
The Data Space Research Lab
Digitization in the construction industry: The KLEIO project
DiMeKI: A digitalized method for artificial intelligence (AI) supports knowledge and technology transfer in non-university research institutions
IPCEI-CIS: Sustainability-Focused Orchestration in the Edge Cloud Continuum
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Connector: Technical access to the International Data Spaces ecosystem
Open-Source-Java-Framework "NUKLEUS"
Mobility & Smart Cities
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BML-EcoSys: A high-performance laboratory platform for the Bauhaus.MobilityLab
BuildingTrust – Trustee modules for building data
Catena-X Automotive Network - Alliance for secure and standardized data exchange
Digital model destination North Rhine-Westphalia – Better networking of tourism offers in the Ruhr metropolis
Diagnosis Data Management at Thales
EnDaSpace PLATON – Platform Economy in the Application Context of Hydrogen
GAIA-X 4 KI: Data and Services Ecosystem for AI-oriented Research and Development
MobiDS – Mobility Data Space for individual travel offers
MobiDataSol - Smart Data Products for the Urban Mobility Transition via Ecosystem Data Governance in the Smart City Solingen
QuarZ – Using services with data sovereignty in the urban district of the future
ScaleDTM: Development of technical building blocks for the realization of scalable, decentralized data trust models
SELE: Silicon Economy Logistics Ecosystem
Tourism data management NRW
Opt-In: Optimizing informational sustainability for citizens in data ecosystems
MDSxNRW: Intelligent Connector Recommendation for the Mobility Data Space
FDOOne: FAIR Digital Object One
PlatioNX : Platform-based interorganizational networks for data spaces and data ecosystems
InGeoDTM: Data trust model for horizontal geodata spaces
CCIT IntelliEdge:
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DoREngine: DocumentRecommenderEngine
Data catalog for the efficient management of company data – DIVA
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Data spaces and data ecosystems
Strategic data management
Cloud Transformation
Software Engineering
Data Science
Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS)
DSSC – Data Spaces Support Centre
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Press releases
Annual Reports
Podcast "The Data Space Experts"
Scientific publications
Videos »Data Researchers«
Project videos
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