Current projects for research and industry

InGeoDTM: Data trust model for horizontal geodata spaces

The project aims to further develop existing approaches to data sharing and to promote the intersectoral exchange of geodata. To this end, an optimized data trust model is being developed that makes geodata available for different domains.

PlatioNX : Platform-based interorganizational networks for data spaces and data ecosystems

As direct business relationships evolve into value creation networks, complex ecosystems with a large number of dynamically changing participants emerge. The participants in the ecosystems have different technical and business dependencies on each other, which, combined with the dynamics, result in a high level of complexity. In this context, data spaces, i.e. multi-sided technological platforms, enable the cross-organizational sharing of data.

Data Spaces bilden komplexe Ökosysteme
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FDOOne: FAIR Digital Object One

The “FDOOne - FAIR Digital Object One” project is all about networking data spaces according to a basic standard that fulfills the FAIR principles. The acronym FAIR stands for Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. This approach aims to bring together the highly fragmented digital space of all digital objects. In order to achieve this goal, three project priorities have been agreed: 1. the networking of data spaces, focusing on the transfer of data into secure, trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI) applications, 2. strengthening trust in AI, which primarily includes reproducibility, 3. strengthening the AI ecosystem, in particular by defining and improving framework conditions for companies.

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MDSxNRW: Intelligent Connector Recommendation for the Mobility Data Space

In the “MDSxNRW” project, we are developing and testing an intelligent recommendation engine that recommends a suitable connector for organizations to participate in the Mobility Data Space (MDS). This recommendation is based on company-specific information that is requested in a questionnaire. Based on the user information, detailed instructions for connecting to the MDS are then provided and options for automated connection to the MDS are recommended.

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Opt-In: Optimizing informational sustainability for citizens in data ecosystems

The Opt-In project brings data sovereignty to the world of the "smart home". The focus is on the requirements and needs of citizens to make free decisions about their data. Individuals are empowered to retain control over their data and at the same time encouraged to enable innovative services with their data.

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BuildingTrust: Trustee modules for building data

The goal of the project "BuildingTrust" is to develop a modular data trustee for building data that motivates users to provide, maintain and anonymously share (personal) data. The goal is to optimize and accelerate sustainable building through a self-determined data trustee that generates added value for data givers and data takers and creates trust for sharing data.

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ScaleDTM: Development of technical building blocks for the realization of scalable, decentralized data trust models

In the "ScaleDTM" project, we are developing the technical building blocks for realizing decentralized data trustee models. The goal of this two-year individual project is to create a competitive, scalable, and easily extensible data fiduciary architecture to promote collaborative data processing and value creation. Here, we consider not only the exchange of data, but also the fiduciary execution of code as a service provided by the data trustee.

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Catena-X Automotive Network: Alliance for secure and standardized data exchange

The supply chain law or the monitoring of a CO2 footprint are only two current challenges of the automotive industry. They require cross-company data usage so that end-to-end value chains emerge. In the Catena-X project, an ecosystem for the entire automotive sector is being established, which will be set up in a highly scalable manner from the very beginning. The core element of the network is a shared offering of federated data and services that enables companies to shorten the "time-to-market" of innovative solutions, use resources more efficiently, and increase the transparency and resilience of value creation processes.

MobiDataSol: Smart Data Products for the Urban Mobility Transition via Ecosystem Data Governance in the Smart City Solingen

"Data governance" in the data ecosystem of the Smart City Solingen. In the "MobiDataSol" project, a data trust model is being developed and tested that enables cross-organizational data exchange as the basis of a data ecosystem to be established in the context of the Smart City at the municipal level. Based on the analysis of the interests and needs of the various actors at the municipal level, a data trust model will be developed and tested in the application area of mobility and environmental data. The project is being carried out by the city of Solingen together with the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e. V. - represented by the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO and the Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Engineering ISST - as well as the University of Stuttgart and the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (ifeu).

BML-EcoSys: A high-performance laboratory platform for the Bauhaus.MobilityLab

Bauhaus.MobilityLab Erfurt aims to develop an open, service-oriented ecosystem to more effectively link the energy, transport, mobility, environment, and logistics sectors. The core of BML-EcoSys is a high-performance laboratory platform for the providers and users of new (mobile) services to interact from the outset, jointly developing and testing innovative solutions using AI applications.

Diagnosis Data Management at Thales

Industrial data storage and use is becoming more and more important in increasingly digitizing processes. For example, a company-specific approach to centralized and decentralized data management must be found and operational responsibilities must be clearly defined. A functioning data management system is of strategic importance for business processes such as customer service.

Digital model destination North Rhine-Westphalia: Better networking of tourism offers in the Ruhr metropolis

The project’s background is that the data bases of tourism organizations are not only of interest for the open data community, but also for citizens, research institu-tions, companies, and others. This open data project was therefore initiated as an identified regional project of far-reaching importance for the Ruhr metropolis, striv-ing to develop a regional open data offering.

EnDaSpace PLATON: Platform Economy in the Application Context of Hydrogen

The project "EnDaSpace PLATON" is dedicated to the development of a platform-based ecosystem in the application context of the hydrogen economy in two subprojects. The technological sub-project "EnDaSpace Platform" focuses on the development of the digital platform for operating data of wind turbines and hydrogen electrolysers.

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GAIA-X 4 KI: Data and Services Ecosystem for AI-oriented Research and Development

In the project "GAIA-X 4 KI" we focus on the development of a Gaia-X-based digital ecosystem for training and validation of AI applications in the automotive domain. The goal of the three-year project is to map relevant automotive applications in a federated system architecture and, based on the results of the project and the developments in Gaia-X, to build a digital ecosystem that will serve as the basis for further projects in the GAIA-X 4 Future Mobility project family.

MobiDS: Mobility Data Space for individual travel offers

Mobility will increasingly adapt to the individual needs of travelers in the coming years, for example through new on-demand mobility offers and autonomous vehi-cles in private and public transport.

QuarZ: Using services with data sovereignty in the urban district of the future

The QuarZ project – “Quartier der Zukunft” – aims to improve the everyday lives of people in urban districts. Services, for example in the smart home, smart invoice, district network, and mobility fields, are being developed for this purpose within the project framework.

SELE: Silicon Economy Logistics Ecosystem

The potential for optimizing processes with a view to increasing efficiency or for digital services and new business areas is virtually inexhaustible. However, logistics in Germany will only be able to defend or expand its global market leadership if the potential is tapped.

Tourism data management NRW: Open, networked, digital

The new state tourism strategy for North Rhine-Westphalia recommends a decentral-ly organized yet networked data and content strategy. This requires data to be pre-pared so they are machine-readable and available to all tourism industry players in NRW and beyond – regardless of the output format, from the smartphone to the big screen. Uniform data standards and open licensing for data with the intent of developing a corresponding visibility are elementary here.