OpenFactoryTwin (OFacT)

Transparency and efficiency in production and logistics

Many companies have individual systems for monitoring and controlling production and logistics processes. What is often missing is an integrated view of the data that makes interdependencies visible, even in highly complex processes - for example, between supply logistics processes and assembly downtimes.

Use the full potential of digitalization in your company and maximize the value of your data! With the Open Factory Twin (OFacT), you get a digital twin that integrates various data sources such as your information systems (ERP, WMS, etc.) through to sensor data in a single data model. Based on the data model, established cost and performance figures can be calculated without additional effort (OFacT Analytics) and what-if scenarios can be simulated (OFacT Sim) in order to make planning and control decisions on a valid data basis and thus prevent wrong decisions. The best thing about it: with OFacT you remain independent thanks to open source!

Schiffs- und Kommunikationsnetzkonzept

The challenge

Do you also lack a unified view of your data in order to recognize correlations between different processes - ideally with a view into the future? Typical questions are:

  • What completion dates are realistic and what potential bottlenecks arise when a certain production program is scheduled?
  • What performance will order picking achieve if a certain personnel deployment plan is selected?

These and many other similar questions have to be answered every day in most industrial and commercial enterprises. Data from different systems is usually required and must be incorporated into a calculation - preferably automatically and in real time, in order to be able to react quickly to disruptions and other unforeseen changes. The conventional method of using a spreadsheet program is time-consuming, slow and error-prone.


Your advantages

OFacT provides the data model for a digital twin that allows you to merge and display your process data in an integrated manner. The integrated simulator uses this model without further data transformation and calculates the future system behavior with its key figures so that the effects of planning and control decisions become visible at an early stage. Scenario comparisons help to select the most sensible decision.

The most important advantages of OFacT at a glance:

  • Transparency across your processes through the integration of any data source into a digital twin
  • Future-oriented, seamless evaluation of system behavior and decision options through discrete-event simulation
  • Integration into your IT system landscape
  • Easy integration and support of spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel® for key figure analysis and parameter variation
  • Self-learning process parameters for autonomous parameter changes


What we offer

  • Potential analysis for a digital twin, roadmap development and selection of a pilot use case
  • Concept development for integration into your IT landscape
  • Demonstration of the benefits and feasibility with a selected static data set
  • Connection to the necessary IT systems in your company
  • Commissioning and training of employees
  • Development of company-specific functions
  • Free access to the OFacT source code

Contact us and let's discuss your questions together without obligation!

You can find more information and the source code for our product here.