DSSC – Data Spaces Support Centre

The Data Spaces Support Centre establishes and operates a support platform for data spaces in order to implement the goals of the "European Strategy of Data". The Data Spaces Support Centre will create interoperability between data spaces and thus enable the reuse of data across sectors. In doing so, the values of the EU will be fully respected, thus making a major contribution to the digital advancement of the European economy and society.

The challenge 

The challenge is to develop common standards for data spaces. Therefore, it is necessary to work collaboratively with all stakeholders and data spaces initiatives to identify their needs and develop common requirements and best practices. For this purpose, existing solutions are analyzed, functioning solutions are integrated and it is determined where new solutions need to be developed.


Our performance 

As consortium leader and with responsibility for the overall project management, Fraunhofer ISST exercises a central role in the DSSC project. In addition, Fraunhofer ISST brings extensive experience from the field of data ecosystems to the project. The findings are expected to play their part in building the Data Spaces Support Center. With its experience in the further development of basic components of data spaces, Fraun-hofer ISST will support the development of so-called "Building Blocks", which will be combined in a Data Spaces Blueprint. These "Building Blocks" refer to economic, legal, operational, technical and social aspects of data spaces. For the integration of the Data Spaces Blueprint and the various Building Blocks, the Data Spaces Support Centre will offer various support services.


The result

The result of the project is the Data Spaces Support Centre, a support platform in the form of a web portal that will promote the establishment of shared data spaces and enable the reuse of data across different sectors. The Data Spaces Support Centre will accommodate data spaces initiatives of any maturity level. The platform will include a knowledge base and help desk. In addition, various already developed solutions for data spaces will be offered in the form of toolboxes. The Data Spaces Support Center will provide all stakeholders and data spaces initiatives with various support services.


The partners 

  • Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung
  • Capgemini Belgium
  • FIWARE Foundation e.V.
  • International Data Spaces Association
  • Gaia-X European Association for Data and Cloud
  • KU Leuven
  • MyData Global
  • National University of Ireland Galway
  • TNO - Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research
  • Big Data Value Association
  • VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd
  • The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra


The funding

  • Funding: Europäische Union
  • Grant Agreement No.: 101083412
  • Duration: 10/2022-03/2026


