The challenge
The healthcare sector generates a large amount of data in the course of research and care. The Health Data Utilization Act (GDNG), which has just come into force, promotes the use of health data, but requires a high level of data literacy among healthcare providers and researchers. DIM.RUHR supports the above-mentioned cultural change by creating an environment of learning, research and networking to promote competencies for interprofessional health data use.
Our contribution
- Establishing knowledge transfer on handling data in other European countries
- Conception and implementation of technical data structures for socio-spatial and socio-medical care
- Creation of access structures for health data that meet the requirements of the Health Data Utilization Act (GDNG) and the Digital Act (DigiG) and enable the actors in the healthcare system to use it
- Technical conception and provision of Open Educational Resources (OER) for the promotion of health data skills
By creating a collaborative learning and research environment, DIM.RUHR aims to promote the research environment to sustainably improve the handling of health data in the Ruhr region in the long term.
Existing experimentation rooms support practice-based learning, micro-degree-based offerings are provided as Open Educational Resources (OER) and made available with the help of the GesundheitsDatenRepository.RUHR (HealthDataRepository), the data lifecycle for health data is mapped and applied in data-related research projects.
The project thus pursues three overarching goals:
- Teaching: Development of teaching and learning modules for health data skills
- Research: Encouraging young scientists in particular to conduct scientists in particular to conduct more research in the field of data science
- Networking: Development of structures for research data management
- Universität Witten/Herdecke (Verbundsleitung)
- Ruhr Universität Bochum
- Bochum University of Applied Sciences
- Hochschule Niederrhein
Associated partners
- NFDI4Health
- MedEcon Ruhr
- German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, NextGenerationEU
- Funding code: 16DKZ2008
- Duration: 11/2023 – 11/2026