Digitization and verification of live emissions data from ships for transparent and credible reporting and monitoring processes and CO2-optimized ship operation

In the “DIVMALDA - Digitization and Verification of Marine Live Emission Data” project, we are researching how specific sensor technology can be used to collect and use emission data in real operation. The focus here is on how the use of the data can also be improved outside the ship while maintaining data sovereignty. Ensuring data sovereignty favors high market penetration as an anchor of trust.

The challenge

In the course of digitalization and automation, environmentally friendly and low-emission ship operation is playing an increasingly important role. This is reflected in the growing importance of sustainability as a market factor, which is being used to differentiate the market. However, numerous rules and regulations also play a role. The necessary increase in transparency is proving to be a challenge. Up to now, outdated data or assumptions have been used above all. In cases where concrete data collection is mandatory, this is mainly done manually. And where continuous monitoring is required, the data usually remains local to the ship. This leads to a discrepancy between desired and actual use.


Our service: Systematic collection of requirements 

DIVMALDA is working on the development of a platform that will enable the recording and processing of emissions data and its use by external partners (e.g. verification of emissions by the port authority). In this context, a board interface should make it possible to access the collected data. To enable the data to be used outside the ship, Fraunhofer ISST is working on creating an interface that will enable the data to be exchanged in a sovereign manner. However, before implementation begins, all relevant requirements across the data stream are first collected and recorded in a system concept.

The result 

By incorporating the individual components, the aim is to create a demonstrator that maps the entire workflow. As a first step, the sensors on board the ship are to be operated by the crew. Based on the installed sensors, emission data is to be recorded, checked for plausibility and validated. The aim is to share the data with the Hamburg Port Authority via suitable interfaces in order to demonstrate the feasibility of real-time monitoring of emissions.



  • SICK
  • Fraunhofer Center for Maritime Logistics and Services (CML)
  • Norske Veritas (DNV)
  • CPO container shipping company
  • Hamburg Port Authority (HPA)
  • Hamburg Fleet (FH



  • Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK)
  • Funding reference: 03SX609A
  • Duration: 07/2024-06/2027