Making modern supply chains more efficient and resilient according to Catena-X standards

PURIS ("Predictive Unit Realtime Information Service") is a use case within Catena-X that is located in the area of "Product Lifecycle Management and Resiliency". PURIS standardizes the partner-specific exchange of key supply chain information in the short term between suppliers and customers (one-up/one-down principle). This information includes the current stock situation, demand and planned production volumes. The aim is to use more precise information to prevent bottlenecks or at least resolve them more efficiently. PURIS uses the Catena-X Governance Framework for purpose-related data processing to ensure the data-sovereign exchange of sensitive information. PURIS is based on the Catena-X technology stack of digital twins and data spaces.


The challenge

Until now, data in the automotive supply chain has usually been exchanged in certain scenarios in accordance with VDA standards. These standards are relevant for the first links in the supply network, but they are less or not at all widespread deeper in the supply chain. Furthermore, these standards have been created with a clear focus on car manufacturers. PURIS is developing a lightweight and reusable framework to integrate these companies into the information flow and make the benefits of a broader information base accessible to all parties. In particular, the cardinality between customers and suppliers must be taken into account - i.e. multisourcing delivery situations in which there are several suppliers or customers for the same material. PURIS thus provides a procedure for exchanging information that can be used to prevent supply bottlenecks.


Our service 

As part of PURIS, we translate the business requirements of supply assurance into an architecture that complies with the Catena-X standards. In concrete terms, this means modeling the data to be exchanged, working out the necessary steps for providing and consuming the data and implementing precisely these steps with the Catena-X components. When developing a PURIS reference application, we provide essential support for the integration of data space and Industry 4.0 components as well as for open source work.

The result 

As part of Catena-X, PURIS has developed standards that make it possible to achieve interoperability in data exchange. To make it easier for potential users to participate in PURIS, KITs (short for "Keep It Together") have been developed that set out the technical components, developer resources and operational support and place them in context for users. A key component of this KIT is the reference application, with which PURIS can be experienced and used as free open source software.



  • Volkswagen AG
  • TRUMPF Werkzeugmaschinen SE + Co. KG
  • ISTOS GmbH (a member of the DMG Mori Group)






This is a work result of the Catena-X Automotive Network consortium project, funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection.

  • Funding code: 13IK004*

PURIS (»Predictive Unit Realtime Information Service»)

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