
Platform-based interorganizational networks for data spaces and data ecosystems

As direct business relationships evolve into value creation networks, complex ecosystems with a large number of dynamically changing participants emerge. The participants in the ecosystems have different technical and business dependencies on each other, which, combined with the dynamics, result in a high level of complexity. In this context, data spaces, i.e. multi-sided technological platforms, enable the cross-organizational sharing of data. Data is the core resource for digital value creation processes. Data spaces and data ecosystems give rise to new role constellations, such as different types of intermediaries or trustees. The necessary prerequisite for data flows in a comprehensive value creation network is the interoperability of data spaces. This includes not only technological aspects, but also semantic, legal and organizational ones. In particular, the increasing spread of industrial data spaces, their dynamic interaction and their more or less pronounced openness raise new questions about their design and business policy opportunities.

Data spaces create complex ecosystems
© NASA/Unsplash
Data spaces create complex ecosystems

The challenge

The aim of the PlatioNX project is to develop scientifically sound design knowledge for interoperable industrial data spaces. For this purpose, new value creation opportunities through data infrastructures and data intermediaries, open innovation structures and distributed platforms as a place of datafication are examined.


Our service

A design science research approach is used to investigate how inter-organizational, interoperable data spaces should be designed to enable overarching data ecosystems. First, the influence of novel data infrastructures and data intermediaries on interoperability is researched by creating a systematization. Current regulations and market developments will be taken into account. In a next step, the characteristics of modern data platforms are analysed and implications, for example on scalability or opportunities for inter-organizational collaboration, are identified. A market analysis is carried out in order to understand the needs and capabilities of internal company data platforms and to recognize their role as a potential barrier to interoperability. Mini case studies are used to determine the influence of cross-company data spaces on internal data governance and historically established internal technology platforms. Possibilities for the co-evolution of internal platforms and overarching networks will be examined and ultimately design recommendations will be developed.


The result

The project provides important insights into current developments in the field of industrial data spaces. The resulting design knowledge supports the development of an overarching data ecosystem for the realization of inter-organizational data flows and thus makes an important contribution to data-driven value creation. Specific connection paths result from industry associations and initiatives, in particular the International Data Spaces Association (IDSA) or GaiaX, as well as participation in open source projects.


The partners

  • Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft e.V.


The funding  

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the funding measure "Dynamics of digitally networked value creation systems (DynaVer)"
  • Funding reference number: 02J24A000
  • Duration: 01.07.2024 - 30.06.2028